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Salmon Rings Cat Treat, 35 gm

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₹ 130

Kittos cat treats are packed with protein to provide a pure, tasty and highly digestible snacks. Kittos are delicious treats to keep your cat happy and healthy.


PetSutra Kittos Cat Treats is an ideal cat treat for your fur babies as the product is an assortment of Salmon (71%), Chicken (25%), and other ingredients. These cat treats includes 30 percent protein, a good percentage of Fat, Ash and Fibre needed to fulfill the daily requirements.The product comes in five different flavors including Sunfish & Chicken Twirls, Chicken Jerky Strips, Snapper Jerky Strips, Salmon Rings, Tuna Jerky Strips, that is a perfect treat for cats.About Kittos, it is a brand dealing in pet products under the company named Shandong Luscious Pet Food Co. Ltd. which is a leading China-Based Company.

Rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, these salmon rings boost your cat’s heart and coat health while delivering a delicious, protein-packed treat.

Salmon (71%) Chicken (25%) Protein (30%) Fat Ash Fibre

Kittos offers delicious, high-quality treats made from real meat, perfect for rewarding your pet. Rich in protein and low in fat, these treats are both tasty and nutritious, keeping your pet happy and healthy.






25 Feb 2025

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