Neko Cat is the ideal nutritious treats for your cat. Our expert-selected materials are easily digested and absorbed with zero filters for a snack that is healthy, tastly and always 100 percent safe. Omega 3 and Omega 6 help for healthy skin and shiny coat.
Soft Chicken and Tuna treats provide a protein-packed, low-fat snack, perfect for maintaining your cat’s health and energy. These soft and delicious treats are an ideal reward for cats, promoting strong muscles and a healthy diet.
The Soft Chicken and Tuna treats offer 50% protein to promote muscle health, 1% fat for a lean energy source, 0.1% fiber to support digestion, and 20% moisture to keep the treats soft and palatable.
Chicken Tuna Tapioca Starch Glycerin Sorbitol Soy Protein Isolate Natural Flavors Vitamin E
The Rena brand is dedicated to providing premium, tasty, and nutritious treats that not only satisfy cravings but also support your dog's health and happiness.
25 Feb 2025