Hairballs can be prevented by frequent grooming and the routine taking of Healthy Bites Hairball Remedy as directed. When cats & kittens lick their fur, that fur may be ingested, which then accumulates in their stomach and forms what is known as a hairball. Hairball Remedy bites helps to assist pass
Specially formulated to reduce hairballs, these tasty bites help promote healthy digestion while keeping your cat’s coat sleek and smooth.
Specially formulated with natural fibers to reduce hairball formation, aiding digestion and keeping your cat comfortable and healthy.
Cranberry extract Taurine Chicken meal or flavoring (for taste) Vitamins and minerals for overall well-being Binding agents like glycerin or gelatin Natural flavors and preservatives
Vet IQ offers high-quality, veterinarian-recommended dog treats that prioritize your pet’s health and well-being. With carefully crafted formulas, Vet IQ combines delicious flavors with essential nutrients to support everything from joint care to dental health.
25 Feb 2025